Peace & Good Vibes

OOTD: Hot & Unbothered

Hey Hey! Am I the only person who is struggling in this July heat?! I can’t possibly be the only one dreading going outside and sweating after I’ve gotten so fresh and so clean for the day. I think every summer I claim it is the hottest summer ever! You would think after twenty something years I would stop my complaining but nope it’s still too hot to function. Luckily even though it’s hot and uncomfortable for me and my heat intolerance, I try to keep myself busy and have a little fun. This past weekend my girl Crystal asked me to shoot a video with her for her awesome Youtube channel. I absolutely love Crystal’s work so of course I said yes! She told me to come up with a look I would wear to brunch and I said yes ma’am! lol As you can see even though I’ve complained about how hot it is, I have on a thin long sleeve shirt. Don’t worry I’m not crazy lol this actually helps when I am out in the sun as it irritates my skin and can cause me to break out in hives. I have the worst type of allergies I swear! Nevertheless, I styled this simple outfit to show how I stay safe in the sun and surprisingly still cool for brunch in the city.
Anyone who knows me knows I love grays and warm colors so even though it is summer, you hardly catch me in super bright colors. This red lip is even pretty rare. So that explains this fall mustard colored shirt. But I just love the color and I think it looked good with a red lip.
During the shoot Crystal asked me to wear these shades for one of her friends who has an up and coming sunshade line. I had no problem with it because I instantly fell in love with them! Crystal had no idea what I would be wearing for the shoot so it was so dope how well these complimented my outfit.
I posted pictures on my social media after doing this shoot and so many people told me I was giving Helen tease and by Helen I mean Helen Folasade Adu. This happens every time I wear a ponytail and a red lip but let me tell you how I was not offended at all!  I absolutely adore her so that was beyond an honor. I could only dream to be as effortlessly sexy and sultry as her music.
Despite how displeased I am with the heat I don’t let it stop my fun! I love hitting brunch with my friends and chopping it up over chicken and waffles. Who wouldn’t?! 

Thanks For Reading! 

Peace and Good Vibes 
Harmonious Kourt 

Outfit Details 

Blouse: Thrifted 

Jeans: Pacsun 

Heels: Lolashoetique 

Sunglasses: “Shades4Beauties” (website coming soon) 
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