Peace & Good Vibes

The Power Of Just Knowing!

Hey Hey! I’m back and I wanted to get a little something off my chest. It’s been magnified in my life numerous times over the last few months and I just feel compelled to share. Can I spill out my soul? Can I spit out my stress? If you got the reference let me know in the comments. (Haha) 

Anyway, I wanted to write about the power of just knowing. Have you ever felt that? Those thoughts and emotions that no matter what anyone says or what it may look like, you JUST KNOW. I’ve had so many things occur where I had to accept that I am not in control. That is the hardest thing ever! In the past I’ve been forced to be uncomfortable. If you go back a few months you’ll see I have a post on it. I’ve also been forced to keep moving forward in the presence of adversities. I have a post about that as well. Currently I am forced to learn to be still. Life has a lot of lessons don’t it?! 

Now anyone who knows me knows that I pride myself on nurturing and maintaining a close bond with the Most High, so I’m familiar with the idea of being still. I know what the good word says, HOWEVER to know it and to experience it are clearly two different things. The word says, “Be still, and know that I am God”. Reading this and having no other choice but to do this has rocked my world. I’m devoted to my relationship with the Most High as I stated before but being forced to accept being still put me on a rollercoaster I didn’t even want to be on. I’ve had moments of sadness, frustration, depression, anxiety, and rage. Some good days and some bad days. There have been times I've cried so much I felt like I was crazy. Asking myself, “why is this happening to me?” Thinking to myself, “what have I done to be punished?” Questioning so many things! Beating myself up about what should of would have or could have. It’s been tough y’all! It’s been really really tough. 

I struggled with if I would allow myself to be vulnerable enough to share this on my blog but I had to. I’ve had a very hard time trying to think of what I could post about. I think that was my issue. I needed to just be real. So here it is! I’ve been forced to be still and it’s been hard as shit. But in the mist of it all there’s been this little voice in my head that just knows that things will work out. In the mist of my tears I just feel this favor. I really don’t know how else to explain it and I can’t even properly describe it or find the words, but I just know. When I try to give it reason my spirit is driven to “Be Still and know that I am your God”. I prayed and meditated.  Then I prayed more and I meditated again, and in the mist of it I stopped asking and begging and tried to pray with expectancy. I started thanking the Most High for things that haven’t even happened yet. That probably sounds bat shit crazy to some of you but I started to feel like my thoughts and feelings of sadness, depression, frustration and rage were so pessimistic. I was acting like I already know what the outcome of everything will be. I had to remind myself that I am not that powerful and if I put that type of energy in the universe, then that is what I am going to get back. Annnnnnnd absolutely tf not! I am not having that shit! No ma’am no sir! 

Mind you, I’m still in the mist of all the madness as I write this. Don’t get it twisted. Nothing has stopped but I’m making an effort to be still because I honestly just know that things will work out. I don’t know how and I don’t even care. I just know

So I know we all have our own connections to the divine and I’m going to share what being still is for me. I see it in two different ways that I had to accept. 1.) To surrender and 2.) To welcome peace. How often do we ask God for everything, but we don’t stop to listen or to be still? The act of being still and getting quiet becomes more of a challenge in this crazy hectic world. The world asks us to be busy. The Most High asks us to be still so that we can receive love, peace and guidance. Along with busyness comes the fearful and anxious thoughts we hold onto. We have to consciously tell our anxious and fearful thoughts to shut tf up. Seriously. By doing so we can begin to create and welcome peace. I needed to be able to understand that I am not in control. No matter what is going on in my life I need to be able to cultivate the habit of assessing what I can and cannot control, be able to sit with that and act accordingly. When I look back on everything that I’ve been through one thing stands out to me and that’s that I am beyond blessed. I can genuinely say that even in the mist of let downs, failures, disappointments and losses God has consistently slid through with a major upgrade. That is truly why I just know! Even though a lot of the time I may not have realized it until later, I am now aware that nothing is happening to me but really happening for me. Everything is for my good and this I just know. Thanks so much for reading! 

Peace & Good Vibes
Harmonious Kourt 

My Tips For Longer Healthier Hair

Hey Hey! It’s been wayyyyyy too long since I've written a blog post! I recently asked my followers on instagram if I should do a blog post on my personal tips for longer healthier hair and the people said YES SIS! If you have been following my blog for a while then you know that my hair has been natural my entire life. I have never had a perm, relaxer, color etc. Although this is true, it wasn’t until 2014 when I begin to experiment and have fun with my natural texture. Before then I would have my hair straightened all the time. With straight hair comes heat damage and breakage which in my opinion can be just as bad as chemicals. I am about to drop a few hair care gems that helped me and are ways to easily be an easy breezy beautiful baddie! 
Keep on reading! 

Tip #1: Low Manipulation 
I know everyone says this but it is SO true! The less you manipulate and tug and pull on your strands the more they can flourish. When I wash my hair I finger detangle first and then I will use my tangle teaser once I feel it is detangled enough. I also only rock a wash and go or bun. I know sometimes it seems hard to leave your hair alone but think about it, when you are constantly touching and manipulating, your hair doesn’t get a chance to recover from any tension or stress put on it. It’s kind of like rest day from the gym. Yes, when you do your hair you are giving it TLC but it needs time to recover and take in all that goodness! Also in the winter months when I straighten my hair, I make sure to give it a really good straightening job so I can make it last the entire month. I know that seems impossible but it isn’t! LESS STRESS IS BEST!

Tip #2: Deep Condition
Deep conditioning is KEY! Whether your hair is in its’ natural state or you are about to straighten it, don’t skip this step! There are tons of deep conditioners out there to choose from. I even use different ones depending on if I am straightening or rocking my natural curls. Sometimes I deep condition on the go by throwing it up in a bun and going about my day. No excuses! Your hair deserves this! Deep conditioning prevents damage and breakage/split ends, helps promote elasticity, restores natural shine, helps with color treated hair, and promotes moisture and growth.

Tip#3: Oil/ Grease Your Scalp
Yes I said grease! I grew up having my scalp oiled/greased every couple of days and I always had a head full of hair. There is no perfect way to do it. If you are someone who can’t handle having oily hair from time to time then I would suggest you do it a day or so before you’re getting ready to wash your hair. This promotes a healthy scalp. Hair can’t grow from a dry irritated scalp.

Tip#4: Don’t Over Trim
Although it is good to trim split ends and breakage, it is important that you don’t over trim your hair. A consistent regimen is amazing but sometimes you may not need a whole trim. In those instances just go through and give yourself or ask your stylist to lightly dust your ends. Too much trimming will prevent you from seeing results. Pro Tip: Keep your ends moisturized and you’ll notice less split ends.

Tip#5: Use A Consistent Regimen 
As a product junkie I am guilty of not always sticking to the same regimen. I would switch up my products and my hair would switch up too. Sometimes it’s best to use the same consistent regimen. I have been using the same co-wash and styling products for the past four months and have found that my hair really likes it. I’ve noticed more growth and thickness. If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.

Tip#6: Drink Water & Eat A Healthy Diet 
Just like our skin, our hair will reflect what we eat. To further promote healthy hair growth, eat a well balanced diet and drink your water. Since I was little i’ve always ate a pretty good diet with vegetables and recently I have been trying to drink more water. It really does help guys! Some really good foods for hair health are fatty fish, green leafy veggies, eggs, nuts, berries, and protein rich foods.

Tip#7: Exercise
When I started working out consistently, my hair grew so fast! Exercise boosts body health which promotes a strong hair growth cycle. Doesn’t matter what form of exercise you do, just get moving and you will see results in your overall and hair health. I promise!

Tip#8: Supplements
For people who are unable to stick to a healthy diet, supplements may be a little boost of help. There are tons on the market to choose from. I am horrible with taking supplements everyday as I am super busy and forget but they do produce amazing results. Click Here or Here to get two great supplement options that show amazing results in 90 days!

So those are my top tips for healthier longer hair! If you have questions regarding specifics about any of the mentioned tips let me know in the comments. I could also write another post explaining it in more detail. Thanks so much for reading! 

Peace & Good Vibes
Harmonious Kourt

What I Would Tell My Younger Self

Hey Hey!! As you all can tell from the title this post is going to reflect on what I would love to share with my younger self. Man oh man! I thought long and hard about what I would tell young Kourt. I originally wanted to make a list of 10 things that I would say, only problem is I could only come up with one. So I decided I should stop trying to force anything else and share that one thing. Share it and honor it, because it’s all apart of my truth. Keep on reading to find out what’s the one major piece of advice I would share with my younger self.

Navigating through my twenties has certainly been interesting. What a time!! I’m being very sarcastic if you haven’t noticed. I mean I think I’ve genuinely enjoyed my twenties and they aren’t over just yet but when I reflect on the good times and the bad, I definitely feel like I could’ve avoided some of the bad if I was able to have the advice I’m getting ready to share. I know what you all are probably thinking and trust me, I believe that too. You have to trust and enjoy your journey Kourtney. It makes you a better you. I know, I know, there’s always beauty in the struggle. I just know for a fact if I knew what I know now, so many things would’ve played out differently. But I’m okay with where I am and I love who it has allowed me to become. I’m so comfortable in my skin and I'm grateful for that because there were times when I wasn’t. So here it goes! If I could tell my younger self one important thing it would be......
To never ever, under any circumstances... ignore my intuition.

You know that feeling that you get in the pit of your stomach when something feels off or doesn’t feel right? Yeah that! When I look back on every single instance where I’ve felt that, I was shown shortly after why I felt that way. I’ve also decided against things because they didn’t feel right and each time it ended up being the right choice. So looking back I wonder why did I ignore my intuition sometimes and sometimes I didn’t? If I have to be real with myself, each time without a doubt, it was because I was trying to force something that wasn’t supposed to be. Trying to make things how I wanted them, and it folded every single time. Back then I couldn’t see that I was causing myself unnecessary hardship, difficulties, or hurt because I was trying to have too much control or force things all together. I also had a habit of dwelling on various failed situations. Looking back on that actually annoys the hell out me because I would never do that now. My attitude now is whatever is supposed to be, will be. DASSIT. I can’t believe some of the things I did wasting time and thoughts! Jesus be a therapist! My goodness! Haha!

Trusting my intuition and my gut feeling growing through my twenties has shown to never fail me. Would’ve been nice to realize it a little sooner but hey! I’m here to help others who are in their early twenties and trying to figure it all out. I want to make something very clear though. I think there’s a difference in your intuition and you just telling yourself something feels right or wrong. My definition of “intuition” would have to be what feels right when you take your heart and brain out of the equation. (Wtf do you have without those two things right? LOL) What I mean is when you feel at peace with something and you might not know exactly how to explain it but you feel it within. It’s definitely a feeling. At least it is for me.

I don’t think any of us were taught how to use this "inner sense" but we all know too well that gut feeling I'm talking about. So to my younger self I want to say, learn to trust your inner feelings and they will become stronger. Avoid going against your better judgement or talking yourself into things that don’t feel right. You’re so much more wiser than you think. You’re strong and sometimes you need to be uncomfortable to elevate and excel. Sometimes you need to leave the comfort of your mind and your heart and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you discover will be wonderful. Don’t be afraid. 

I hope you all enjoyed this post and I encourage you to take a look back and figure out what you would share with your younger self. Thanks for reading!
Peace and Good Vibes
Harmonious Kourt

Photography By: Keith Nixon 

Grow It Out 90 Day Hair Challenge!

Hey Hey! Long time, no post! Y’all have no idea how much I’ve been busting my butt with all my obligations for school. I’ve had so many good ideas for posts that I’ve had to put off because I haven’t had the time. I refused to do that any longer! So I wanted to go ahead and post for you guys and what better way than to start with a hair post!?

In the mist of my busy schedule, I’ve vowed to NOT let my hair suffer. Luckily for me I am a wellness ambassador for an amazing company and one of our most cherished products is our Hair, Skin, & Nails supplement. If you follow me on social media then you know I am famous for drinking our “Greens on the Go” any and anywhere. I’ve actually seen improvement in my hair from this product so I thought why not try our products that are specifically for hair growth. I grabbed this product months ago and still haven’t been accountable in taking them. I decided it was time to try them out! I’ve witnessed amazing results from my business partners and their customers and I wanted to see if I would experience the same. The HSN vitamins include essential vitamins, minerals, and plant-based nutrients, enhances your own natural collagen and keratin production, supports healthy cell growth, and boosts your body’s free radical fighting defenses. It also provides optimal nourishment to look your beautiful best from the inside out. I don’t know about you all but that’s ALWAYS a goal of mine! In this time of wanting to keep an optimal level hair health, I've decided it’s time to be more intentional. So I decided to start a 90 day Hair Challenge! I’ve already shared this with my followers on social media and I want to extend an invitation to my blog readers as well! The challenge starts now! I started April 1st and I plan to stop June 30, 2018. My goals include fuller healthier strands! It's not too late!! Join me on this journey!! What are your goals? Comment below and let me know! Also if you want to order some of our HSN vitamins, feel free to use this this link to place your order. Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to subscribe! 

Peace & Good Vibes
Harmonious Kourt

OOTD: Hello February!

Peace & Good Vibes
Harmonious Kourt 

Outfit Details 
Coat: Here 
Bodysuit: Here
Jeans: Here
Boots: Here
Sunglasses: Here
Photos Taken By:

Buy or Bye?: Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate Review

Hey Hey! So I know everyone including myself loves a good skincare product. With the weather here in Virginia changing so often, you have to make sure you're taking good care of your skin and giving it the TLC it deserves. I love a great skincare product that doesn't require too much and actually does what it says it is supposed to do. Down below I am reviewing one of my favorite skincare products that I have been using for the past year. This has definitely been a staple in my skincare routine. Keep reading to see if it's a buy or bye for you!
What is the Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate?
This is a pre-serum or booster that enhances the benefits of skincare routines that follow.

What does it do?
The one-of-a-kind boosting pre-treatment helps defend against multiple signs of aging and damage, while enhancing the effects of skincare.

How can it be used?
-Apply two pumps morning and evening after cleansing and balancing skin.
-Apply Ultimune before using targeted serums

-Sold at Sephora, Sephora inside JCP & Ulta
- Good for normal, oily, combination, dry & sensitive skin
- Contains all natural ingredients
-The products definitely does what it promises
-Can be expensive to some as it sells between $37-$125
I absolutely LOVE this product! I originally got it as a sample with a purchase at Sephora and fell in love! After finishing the sample, I had to get my own bottle. I am now on bottle five and I will be re-upping very soon! Have you used any of the skincare products from Shiseido? If so, let me know in the comments! Thanks for reading!
Peace & Good Vibes
Harmonious Kourt
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