Peace & Good Vibes

Basic Athleisure OOTD!

 Hey Hey! I'm back with another post and by the title you already know what it's about....CLOTHES! I rarely do any clothing related posts HOWEVER I love my comfy fits! With us being in quarantine and working from home I have been getting so much wear out of my athleisure clothing so I thought I'd show you how I rock my comfy look whether I am staying in or out and about! Hope you enjoy! 

Peace & Good Vibes 

Affirmation: I Am Grateful.

Hey Hey! It's September! Can you believe it?! I feel like I blinked and the summer was gone! I don't know about you all but being in quarantine hasn't been the easiest thing to adjust to. Since March we have been faced with so much information as well as uncertainty regarding the pandemic. Every week has felt different. Then to be Black in America in the midst of a pandemic just feels like another battle in itself. My heart still hurts for my people as the fight is far from over. We have endured so much and more days than not it is difficult to stay positive and optimistic about the future. In an attempt to stay sane and nurture myself so that I can be present for those around me, I have been extremely intentional about practicing healthy habits. One thing that helps me cope with the ways of the world is practicing gratitude. 

Practicing gratitude is something that any of my therapy clients would tell you I suggest to help boost mood and improve your overall outlook on life. Often times when we think of gratitude, it is something that we extend to others as it is very similar to appreciation. While it is definitely great to show others how thankful we are for something they have done for or given us, it is also beneficial to stop and acknowledge all the positive things that come into our lives. In order to begin this practice, you must first understand what it is. 
So what exactly is gratitude? If you use our good friend google you will find a ton of research and definitions. One that has resonated with me over the years is “gratitude is the appreciation of what is valuable and meaningful to oneself and represents a general state of thankfulness and/or appreciation”. Practicing gratitude has many benefits to our lives especially in times of challenge and change. It helps cultivate the habit of focusing on everything we do have rather than anything that we might not. Research in positive psychology has shown that it also does a lot for our brains and mental well-being. Not only that, but the effects can be long-lasting.  People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they're thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems. With all those benefits, who wouldn't want to give this a try!? 

Here are some super quick tips to help you start your gratitude practice today! 
1. Get a journal or notebook 
2. Dedicate 3-5 days per week that you can make time to journal 
3. Write! Take a few minutes to write down three good things about your day. Your entry doesn't have to be extensive. It can be as simple as a good meal, speaking to a loved one, or getting through a difficult challenge. 
4. In addition to writing down these positive things, I want you to write why you are grateful for them. 
5. Repeat 3-5 days per week 
So just like that you have began your gratitude practice! It's just that easy! With dedication and intention, integrating gratitude practice into your lifestyle will become effortless. 
If you have any specific questions please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks so much & I hope you enjoy this post! 

Peace & Good Vibes
Harmonious Kourt 

OOTD: The Xuan Collection x Benfang By Tiffany

Hey Hey! Today I decided to do an OOTD featuring a few pieces from a dope clothing company where I have the pleasure of knowing the designer. Benfang is a clothing line based out of Washington, DC with some of the most authentic pieces I’ve seen in a while. From my first purchase I instantly fell in love! I am a smaller frame woman and more times than not when I order online it is rare that the clothing feels like it was meant for me. Not only did the clothing fit me well but it fit and looked amazing on other women of all shapes and dimension as well! I just find that so dope! 

The owner and designer is Tiffany Michelle, a 28 year old from Prince Georges County, Maryland. Tiffany has an eye not only for fashion but originality. To check out her collections head on over to 

Thanks for viewing! Don't forget to check out to shop her collection! 

Peace & Good Vibes
Harmonious Kourt
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