Peace & Good Vibes

OOTD: Olive The Weekend!

Hey Hey! I’m back and it’s with another outfit of the day. As you guys know from my previous posts my style is pretty chill and laid back. Below you will see a fit I threw on to head out on a chill Sunday evening with my bestie. We went to a cute little bar in DC and I had a great time. The pictures below show how I stuck with my usual comfy chic style. 

Peace & Good Vibes
Harmonious Kourt 

Outfit Details
Dress: Asos
Denim Jacket: Levis
Shoes: Lolashoetique
Wristlet: H&M

Tame The Mane: Gym Day Hair

Hey Hey! As you all know one of my favorite pass times is going to the gym and getting my sweat on! I love working out and staying fit! Working out has many benefits to include improving mood, better sleep, strengthening your memory, boosting your creativity, cancer prevention, heart disease prevention, boosting energy levels, improving confidence, boosting the immune system, and for us women can even alleviate killer menstrual cramps. The list could literally go on and on because those are only a few!
I have been exercising more consistently over the past 7 months and in addition to feeling great, I've noticed my hair is becoming thicker and fuller. My hair is pretty thick anyway but I have noticed the extra arm strength needed during my detangling sessions and trying to secure it all in a bun. With working out comes the need to replenish with nutritious food choices. I've been making it a priority to eat out less and eat more of the veggies and fruits that I love. I haven't changed any of my hair routine so I have to attribute the growth and thickness to my workout regimen. I workout at least 4x a week incorporating light cardio and weight training. Noticing the benefits in my hair was quite a pleasant surprise but also reminded me how overall improved health really does facilitate healthy hair growth. Anything that improves your overall health, including exercise, will improve your body’s ability to grow hair.
If you want to exercise more but are worried you won't be able to maintain your luscious locks, I can assure you that your wash and go can still last a week while working out. Trust me! I have never been an advocate for doing my hair everyday so I would not pull the wool over your eyes. One of my favorite things to do is throw my hair in a pineapple and do my workouts. My pineapple is my best friend because it's literally the easiest and cutest (in my opinion) to preserve my curls. I also put on a headband for extra control. After my workout is completed I spritz a little water in my hair and throw on my scarf or bonnet and it gives my hair just the refreshing it needs to continue to stretch out my wash and go. If you're not sure just water would be enough for you, use a dime size amount of your favorite leave-in to amp up the hydration. I promise you this works like a charm! Looking for more gym day inspiration? Check out my previous post regarding my favorite gym day essentials! Thanks for reading!

Peace and Good Vibes
Harmonious Kourt

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Shea Moisture Review: 10-in-1 Superfruit Complex Deep Conditioner

Hey Hey Curl Friends! Every wash day I make it a priority to deep condition and my favorite deep conditioners are from Shea Moisture. Last week I used their 10-in-1 Superfruit Complex with Marula Oil & Biotin Hair Masque.  This product has 10 benefits which are to age defy, color protect, hydrate, nourish, soften, anti-stress, deep condition, revive body, strengthen, and shine. Who wouldn't want all those great perks?! This product definitely does all that it promises. Being that I believe I have low porosity hair, I gravitate to this product because it contains hydrolyzed rice protein which low porous hair loves. Hydrolyzed protein for low porosity hair acts as a hydrating agent. This means that it helps keep the hair moisturized. Proteins grabs water from your wet hair so when it dries it is able to retain hydration. MORE MOISTURE!  I look for this protein in any deep conditioner I choose to use because I know it'll aid in keeping my hair moisturized and hydrated. In addition to the many perks of this conditioner, it also smells AMAZING! It has a very fresh aroma that lingers long after you have washed the product out. I absolutely love the results and the smell is an extra bonus.  If you're looking to try a new deep conditioner I definitely recommend trying this. You won't be disappointed! If you decide to give it a try, write me and let me know what you think! Also, if you want to check your hairs porosity, check out my previous post "Hair Porosity: What's the 411?".

Peace & Good Vibes,  

Harmonious Kourt 
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