Peace & Good Vibes

Goodbye Summer Break!

Hey yall! It's that time of the year again and if you've read any of my earlier posts I mentioned that I was a doctoral student. With it being mid- August that means it's back to school time for me! I always pick up a few items that are must have's for a productive and organized semester. Here is a list of the items I always need to get me motivated for the semester ahead. 

1. A planner: I HAVE to be organized at all times. With a planner on hand I can stay on top of all assignments I need to have completed at school as well as work. I need structure or I'll go crazy lol 
2. A 3 or 5 subject notebook: Depending on the amount of classes I have in a semester I'll either need a 3 or 5 subject notebook. I like to keep all notes together in one notebook so I never have to worry about picking up the wrong notebook or leaving it at home. 
3. A folder: I keep a folder on hand to keep all handouts I'm given in & also my syllabi for each class until I'm used to my new schedule and the location of each of my courses. 
4. Loose leaf paper: I always need loose leaf paper on hand in case my professors ask us to do anything that needs to be handed in. You don't want to have to tear paper out of your notebook. It looks super messy and that's a no no! Especially in a doctoral level course. 
5. My laptop: This probably should've been #1 on my list for obvious reasons. In college, whether it's undergrad or graduate, your laptop is your best friend! Your laptop is pretty much linked to any assignments you have to do. 
6. A backpack/tote: Depending on the books and materials I need for a semester, I always make sure I have a sturdy BUT stylish school bag. I haven't chosen which one I will use yet but I will definitely update you all when I do! :) 
7. Pens & Highlighters: I need good writing pens because I take A LOT of notes! I also need highlighter so reading and studying. Highlighters are a great way to signify and keep track of  key points. 

So those are my must have items for a new semester! I hope you all who are in school have a wonderful semester and share with me what your favorite back to school items are! 

Peace & Good Vibes,
Harmonious Kourt 

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