Peace & Good Vibes

A Little Goes A Long Way....

Hey Hey! Being that 2015 is coming to a close I wanted to take the time to think back on my original post and how I got into wanting to become a minimalist. That was wayyyyyyyyyyyy back in February when I wasn't even sure if I would ever get the courage to share my blog. Since then I have dove deeper into minimalism but I have also become more and more introspective in regards to what it does for me and my life. Anyone who knows me knows I don't give a damn about what anyone tries to offer me when it comes to monetary things or possessions. I'm a feeler! I like to feel everything lol I've found that tangible things don't make me feel like genuine love, happiness and positive energy. So for me that's what drives my minimalistic lifestyle. Of course I have my moments when I buy myself something here and there but what has changed is me being able to acknowledge that it's just stuff. Let me tell you! Once you realize "it's just stuff" you feel so much more free. My personal space is a lot more open as well as clutter free and I don't assign so much meaning to my possessions anymore. I honestly find more joy in giving back to those less fortunate and I am thankful that God has allowed me to do so.  Minimalists search for happiness not through things, but through life itself. It's up to you to determine what is necessary and what isn't in your life. I'm just beyond thankful that I've been able to weed out what I feel is excess in my life and have begin to focus on what is more important. I've definitely been more happy, more fulfilled, and more free! Please comment below and let me know if you're a minimalist or a growing minimalist like myself! I would love to know your thoughts on it.
Peace & Good Vibes
Harmonious Kourt


  1. Hey girl! You don't know me but somehow i found your blog and it's awesome! I too have been dabbling in the aspects of minimalism and definitely want to fully immerse myself at some point. Just as you've mentioned, it's an awesome way to declutter your life and focus on the more important things; which is something NEEDED in my life. I'm glad i started looking into it, and practicing. Much love to you on your journey! :)

    1. Much love to you as well and thank you so much for checking out my posts! It's truly appreciated! Good luck on your journey as well!


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