Peace & Good Vibes


Hey Hey! Today I decided to write about a topic that I felt would be beneficial for everyone….SELF-IMPROVEMENT. I’m a twenty something year old woman and I have to admit that there came a time when I felt I wanted to “fix” the way I felt about things. I personally think that everyone gets this feeling sooner or later and whether or not you pay attention to it determines if anything will change. When you are twenty something there are so many responsibilities tugging on you that make it very easy to neglect yourself.  I don’t think this feeling is geared specifically at a person’s entire life. It could be your career choices, your finances, your spirituality, or in my case, your emotions. Now I am not perfect by any means nor am I “fixed” or an expert on this topic. I just took the time to look at the girl in the mirror and REALLY look at her and the woman she had become. I loved her but I did not like how she would put the needs of others and their happiness before her own. She would be left feeling so empty. Ya know pouring into the glasses of others and leaving her glass just as dry as the Sahara Desert. That was honestly the biggest thing that I wanted to “fix” because when I thought about all the instances in which I did that, I would find myself extremely angry. SO! I decided that a change had to be made and I had to be forreal if I wanted to see that change actually happen. The first thing that I found was that I was not broken and did not need to be “fixed", I just needed to make some IMPROVEMENTS. I want to share some of the things that have assisted me in pouring into myself and making positive self-improvements for the better. 

1.) Learning to say “NO”: I am a people pleaser and I enjoy making others happy HOWEVER COMMA sometimes it would be at the expense of my own happiness and that is a big no no! I still find joy in making others happy but now I make sure to include myself because I have to smile too! Shoot! :) 

2.) Alone Time: You can’t make any self-improvements if you don’t have a sense of self. I used to distract myself and avoid avoid avoid! By nature I am an introvert so I embraced this personality trait and spent just as much time with myself as I did with others. In my alone time I self reflect and recharge. I found this to be extremely refreshing and beneficial in me reconnecting and learning different aspects about myself. 

3.) Don’t Feel Bad When People Don’t Understand: This is pretty self-explanatory and I had a very hard time with this. There are going to be some people who just can’t adjust to you wanting to grow and how you choose to go about it. I’ve realized….that’s life. 
“I’m stuck in my ways and you’re offended..that’s life”. -Kendrick Lemar

4.) Overcome Your Fears: No one is exempt from having fears. We ALL have them and it is OKAY. I have learned that my fears keep me in the same position, doing the same things, and feeling the same way preventing me from growing. I try to recognize my fears and reflect on these areas for growth. I have also realized that i am only fearful about things that I have not addressed. (STILL working on this)

5.) Avoid Negativity: My aura and my energy mean EVERYTHING to me! I do not spend too much time with negative people as I find it extremely draining. GOOD VIBES ONLY. Simple as that! 

6.) Meditate: Meditation has not only allowed me to be more calm but also more conscious. I’ve come to many self-realizations through meditating. Definitely plenty of valuable “oh sh*t” moments have come of this new habit. 

7.) Step Outside Your Comfort Zone: This feels so awkward lol but it always feels so good when you really do it. Liberating is an understatement. 

These are only a few of the things that have helped me in working towards self-improvement. Trust me, the list could go on and on! Feel free to comment below letting me know what you would add to this list! I would love to read your thoughts on this post and any insight you may have regarding self-improvemtent and personal growth. Share your journey! 

Peace & Good Vibes
Harmonious Kourt


  1. One of the things that I do in my alone time is simply lay in my bed and listen to music. It helps me clear my head and relaxes me, especially in tense times.

    1. Definitely! Music is LIFE & a great way to really relax your mind and reflect. Thanks for sharing!


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