Peace & Good Vibes

Shea Moisture Review: 10-in-1 Superfruit Complex Deep Conditioner

Hey Hey Curl Friends! Every wash day I make it a priority to deep condition and my favorite deep conditioners are from Shea Moisture. Last week I used their 10-in-1 Superfruit Complex with Marula Oil & Biotin Hair Masque.  This product has 10 benefits which are to age defy, color protect, hydrate, nourish, soften, anti-stress, deep condition, revive body, strengthen, and shine. Who wouldn't want all those great perks?! This product definitely does all that it promises. Being that I believe I have low porosity hair, I gravitate to this product because it contains hydrolyzed rice protein which low porous hair loves. Hydrolyzed protein for low porosity hair acts as a hydrating agent. This means that it helps keep the hair moisturized. Proteins grabs water from your wet hair so when it dries it is able to retain hydration. MORE MOISTURE!  I look for this protein in any deep conditioner I choose to use because I know it'll aid in keeping my hair moisturized and hydrated. In addition to the many perks of this conditioner, it also smells AMAZING! It has a very fresh aroma that lingers long after you have washed the product out. I absolutely love the results and the smell is an extra bonus.  If you're looking to try a new deep conditioner I definitely recommend trying this. You won't be disappointed! If you decide to give it a try, write me and let me know what you think! Also, if you want to check your hairs porosity, check out my previous post "Hair Porosity: What's the 411?".

Peace & Good Vibes,  

Harmonious Kourt 
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  1. I need to give this a try!! I love the way the superfruit line smells.

    1. Thats literally the best smelling line! Let me know how you like it!


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