Peace & Good Vibes

Issa Hair Post!

Hey Hey!! I wanted to tell you all about a bomb product that I got for free at a hair event. If you read my post on whether or not I’m a product junkie, then you definitely saw this product mentioned. Recently I have been trying to cut back on my product junkie ways and use up all the products I already have. By doing that I decided to grab this product and GIRRRRRRL, BOMBT! The product that I grabbed was Miss Jessie's Transitioner’s Magic. I have been natural my entire life so when it comes to purchasing hair products I never gravitate towards products that say anything in regards to transitioning. So in other words, I would have never ever tried this if it wasn’t given to me. Let me be the first to tell you that it clearly doesn’t matter what products say they are for, your hair will just take to what it likes! I am so happy that I grabbed this and gave it a try!

This product comes in a 8.5 FL.OZ packaging and a little goes a long way. On the front it says it’s “The Best Darn Transitioner Styler. Period” and I would have to agree. I found this product to be extremely smooth going through my strands and VERY moisturizing. The great amount of moisture it provides is what won me over. Like I said, I never had to transition from relaxed to natural but to all my curl friends who are going through that process I would strongly recommend this product. I think it would be perfect for someone who is not interested in getting a big chop because it would moisturize your new growth but also revive the relaxed pieces. I have also found that this product combats frizz. I tried this product twice before doing a post about it because we all know natural hair products can be iffy and you have to try them a couple of times before really knowing how effective they are. In the picture above, I was rocking day 4 hair and it was still very moisturized. I used the Transitioner’s Magic as a styler and overall I am extremely pleased with this product. I actually was given two of these bottles at the hair event and I gave one to my older sister thinking I wouldn’t get around to using them. Needless to say I am so mad I gave it her because I love the product and Miss Jessie’s is not cheap. This bottle alone is $22.00 however, it is definitely worth it. If you end up trying this out, comment down below and let me know how it worked. Thanks for reading!

Peace and Good Vibes 
Harmonious Kourt
Pic: Courtesy of Refinery29

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