Peace & Good Vibes

How Down Is Too Down? Let’s Talk About Depression

Hey Hey! Today we are going to discuss depression, or clinical depression. I think this is a super important topic to discuss because it is a common but serious mood disorder and I see it a lot in the patients I work with. Symptoms associated with depression can be mild or debilitating, affecting how a person feels, thinks and handles everyday activities such as sleeping, eating, or working. Keep reading to gain knowledge about this topic.

Let’s learn about some symptoms of depression. Symptoms can include: 
1. Depressed mood
2. Sleep difficulties
3. Loss of interest or pleasure
4. Fatigue nearly every day                        
5. Significant weight change                    
6. Feelings of worthlessness
7. Decreased concentration
8. Suicidal ideation
*Symptoms must cause significant distress 
*Symptoms must last for at least 2 weeks
Did you know that women are 2x more likely to develop depression? How about that about 1 in 10 people will experience depression during their lifetime? Most people experience their first depressive episode between ages 20 and 30. Risk factors include a history of depression or similar disorders, poverty, unemployment, social isolation, and other stressful life events. Regular drug and alcohol use is also a risk for developing depression.
Depression symptoms can take many forms, and please understand that no two people’s experiences are exactly alike. A person that is suffering from this may not even seem sad to others. They may instead have complaints of not being motivated or unable to “get moving”. Even simple things such as getting dressed in the morning or eating at meal time can become a large obstacle. Sometimes people want help but just don’t know how to go about it.
If you or anyone you know if dealing with depression, there are options to receive help. You don’t have to run this race alone! Below I have listed some recommended treatment options.

Psychotherapy (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) 
-CBT works by changing self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. 
-CBT has been found to be equally, if not more effective than medicine in many cases. 
-CBT is the most researched form of psychotherapy for depression. 

Medication (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) 
-SSRI’s increase the level of serotonin (a chemical related to depression) in the brain.
-Studies suggest that SSRI’s are the most effective when used to treat severe depression.
-SSRIs don’t work overnight--it might take up to 6 weeks before they reach full effectiveness.

A combination of both psychotherapy and medication has been found to be the most effective treatment for depression. 
In addition to the recommended treatments for depression there are also some holistic approaches to tackle your mood. I personally like to suggest these options to my patients in addition to psychotherapy and medication. I am a strong believer in the effectiveness of natural remedies and how they help address the root cause of depression. Here are a few of the many natural options: 

1. Eat a Healthy and Well-Balanced Diet : Your food choices can have a significant impact on your mood and it is key to eat foods that support neurotransmitter function. Your natural brain chemicals are influenced by the foods you put in your body. Shoot for healing/anti-inflammatory foods such as omega 3 foods, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, lean protein, and probiotics. 

2. Supplement Natural Remedies: Fish Oil, probiotics, vitamin B-complex, and vitamin D3 are some of the supplements that assist with depression. I advise you research each individually to get more information on their relation to depression and consult with your physician. 

3. Essential Oil Remedies: Lavender oil helps relieve stress and promotes good sleep hygiene. It also has a long history of medicinal use for mood disorder because of its’ calming properties. Grab an oil diffuser or drop a few drops in your shower or bath. Thank me later!

4. Lifestyle Changes: Exercise! Exercise! Exercise! This gives you a boost of energy and helps build confidence as well as promotes good sleep. These benefits from exercise alone will improve depressive symptoms and promote feelings of happiness and self-worth. Spending time outdoors also helps decrease depressive symptoms as an increase in your vitamin D levels is sure to put some pep in your step! 

I hope this helped you all gain knowledge about depression as well as some means to managing these symptoms. Let me know if you like these types of posts! I am studying to be a psychologist and I am going to try and incorporate mental health more on my blog. Shoot me any suggestions and thanks for reading! 

Peace & Good Vibes
Harmonious Kourt 

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