Peace & Good Vibes

Get To Know Me :)

Hey Hey! I tried something a little new with this post! Press play and get to know me! 


  1. Think I'm caught up with the blog, this is AUHMAZING! This post stood out to me because of the mention of anxiety. Maybe it's a Scorpio thing, but 9/10 I'm anxious and my mind is racing. I just recently started to accept the fact that I have heightened anxiety. It's pretty draining. What are some of your methods for dealing with it?

    1. Thanks girlie for checking this post out! It is greatly appreciated! But yes! It’s so hard not to get caught up in your own thoughts and anxiety. I’m still a work in progress when it comes to my anxiety but I’m definitely WAYYYYYYYYY better than I was before. In beginning to effectively deal with it I really found comfort in spending time with myself. I know that sounds weird because it seems like if you’re not distracted then you’ll be consumed with your anxiety however, even to my surprise, I found SO much comfort in spending time with myself. For the past 6 months I have really been spending time with Kourtney and giving myself attention. I pray, meditate, get massages, get pedicures, go to museums, art shows, and various events to enjoy myself. In paying attention and using things like this to reflect, I have been able to pinpoint some of the things that I ignore that were really big sources of my anxiety. There’s always those things that are going to make me anxious but I have been changing the way I react and how I let it affect me and it has helped greatly. I have always been a person who cares a lot about the people around me and neglecting myself and my wants. I’m sure as a scorpio woman you can relate lol Now I still care about everyone because that’s just me but I make sure I don’t leave Kourtney out. I have dealt with so many things head on in these past few months and I’m still working on conquering a lot more. I have found so much comfort in facing my anxiety. I hope that you’ll be able to do the same. Thanks again for checking this post out! :)


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