Peace & Good Vibes


Hey Hey! Being that I love music I figured I'd continue "Music Mondays" and periodically share with y'all some of my favorite tunes to listen to. At the very end of 2014 Fabolous released an album entitled "The Young OG Project" on Christmas Day. I absolutely LOVE this album! It's really hard for me to express why because I literally haven't been interested in his music since his "Throw it in the bag" remix (a fav of mine!). I honestly think what drew me to the album was the fact that it was an album but to me he approached the whole project like a mixtape. I don't feel like he approached it in a conventional way, having specific songs that were meant to be a single or played in the club. That's what I liked about it! The music took me on a journey and I feel as though I was able to learn a little more about him as a person through each track. In past records Fabolous has talked about the glitz and glamour of fame in a sense of materialism however, on "The Young OG Project", he speaks on how fame and fortune can have its' pitfalls. Fab also shares with listeners the joy he experiences from being a father. It's very seldom that I like EVERY song on an album but with this album that happened. I would still suggest this to anyone who hasn't listened yet. I still have it in heavy rotation! Fab also mentioned in a recent Instagram post that he will be releasing "The Young OG Project 2" on Valentine's Day/ weekend  and it is inspired by 90's R&B and you guessed it, love. I personally cannot wait! In the meantime I'll continue to enjoy this project as well as his recently released project "Summertime Shootout”.

Peace & Good Vibes
Harmonious Kourt

"I think we all try to be good people. But it's just things you go through that make you who you are"

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